I am a New York based conceptual artist critiquing societal constructs that affect gender. My practice engages identity and storytelling as advocacy by extending subjectivity within abstraction. In the series presented, As I Sit Waiting, I collected narratives of people's experiences with abortion access or lack thereof to create a sculpture in honor of them. Each sculpture is installed to reflect a waiting room chair at an abortion clinic. The sculptures in this series are visceral and communicate the complexity of emotions that are often denied to pregnant people due to shame, stigma and abortion bans. I use materiality to convey memory, the body, and reproductive histories. Some works repurpose a left-behind high chair or bassinet, others are constructed independently. Specific colors reference the energy of each subject. While the use of texture suggests passing a fetus, birth, and the magnificence of our bodies to support us in all its changes.

In 2019 I created Lydia which was the catalyst for this project after my abortion in 2018.

Between July 2021 and September 2022 I completed an additional 18.

 To request available works please email lydia@lydianobles.com.